Rock Sound
The cover conveys its genre firstly through the actual name of the magazine but then the way that the photo is taken also portrays this in that the band are all in black with some tattoos on show. They aren't overly groomed and this shows the 'I don't care' ideology of the rock genre.The cover is fairly masculine with mostly photos of men on the cover and this shows what it views its typical audience as. Although it could be argued that men on the front of magazines could attract women however the image doesn't support this argument as its shows no bare skin showing the magazine is serious and for music fans rather than crazed fans.
There is also mixture of new and old bands showing how the rock genre appeals to the 50 quid bloke side of rock music because the bands supposedly have a longer 'shelf life' in the industry compared to other genres. It's also important that magazines include newer bands as well to introduce new fans to their magazine, the genre and ideologies.
Top of the Pops
However, in Top of the Pops magazine, it has a very strong feminine vibe. Its also very immature in comparison to rock sound. This reflects the themes included in the magazine for example, the main image is a typical boy-band aimed at young females shown in that it says " are you their dream girl?" however, their could be some penumbra in that older fans of the band or some males may buy the magazine. Also the magazine isn't just about music, it includes popular figures at the time. Artists in pop music are generally ephemeral which means fans are often interested in what the band are up to at present. Furthermore, the articles have little information about their careers and more about they're personality. The added images of the multi-coloured hearts also implies a childish, immature readership. It is clear that very little, if any, stories in the mag are serious. This is suggested by the cover lines on the mag which include words like "work experience" and "kissing confessions" not typically affiliated with adults and, also, do not correlate with other music magazines. Strangely, top of the pops would be a more memorable brand name to those of the older generation who remember the television programme and it being mostly bands playing music that was in the charts. The brand itself has changed audience and purpose over the years.