Thursday, 23 February 2017

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

The first stage to creating the magazine was photography for my magazine. A variety of photos were taken using an I Phone 5 camera. This proved to be much easier and efficient to do because the quality is just as good as a digital camera and its also easier for me to transfer the images to a computer for editing.

When it came to the production I used an online photo editing program called Pixlr. This allowed me to manipulate the size of images and also change the colours of the actual photos to get the effect that I used in my final piece, this is shown in the example below.

In order to create the infrared colours on my cover, I used Pixlr's 'atomic' effect feature. From there the options for different filters appear like the ones in the image. I had to layer 'Infrared' and 'Gamma' on top of each other and then change the hue level. It was difficult to do this without affecting the colour of the text on the page. It was also incredibly difficult to have the image on top of the name of the magazine because of the features on Pixlr. So, I had to use different editing software from a peers computer as it was software which must be downloaded. 

The contents page was easiest to make in terms of layout. But it did take a few attempts to get an effective minimalistic layout but also make it look like it belongs with the magazine.  

This was not a problem for my contents page or double page spread because the text was positioned over the top of the image on the double page and below the image on the contents page. However, when creating the double page spread there was some problems involving the text because I had to find a way of positioning it so that the text could be read but also not totally cover the image in a way that it would stop being effective and no longer send a message. To do this I firstly mirrored the image before any other editing so that the text would be on the right hand side to fit with normal conventions of magazine layout, I then layered different filters to create the pinky green hue that is on the image in the actual double page spread.