The genre of my magazine is not a conventional mainstream genre but is generally a very popular genre and not necessarily niche.

One of the largest publishers is Bauer. They publish a large range of different magazines including photography and good housekeeping. Bauer also publish music magazines and some are in a similar genre as my own such as Kerrang! and Mojo. Both magazines being famous brands in their own right.
For the success of the magazine publishing on Bauer would be better money wise than self publishing or using an independent publisher. As they cannot afford to distribute widely and possibly not weekly either. However, due to the ideologies of the genre it may be a hindrance to use a big publishing company and could raise the price significantly.
On the other hand, Rock Sound is published by the French publisher Editions Freeway. This magazine is more like what my magazine aims to be. The main rival to the magazine in Britain is Kerrang! because of the similar types of music both magazines cover. However, Kerrang! is released weekly and does not usually provide as much coverage to more alternative, new, upcoming bands or to the British rock scene.
There is a unique selling point of my magazine in that it features other types of serious articles and older musicians mixed with young, this could encourage a variety of ages to be interested in the magazine compared to the 15-24 age range of rock sound and Kerrang. As well as this it may encourage the 50 quid bloke theory to play part as older people are more likely to buy a magazine